Monday, September 18, 2006

The following is in response to an article in a health periodical:

I found the latest RQHR HealthNews article on the rise of STDs interesting, informative, frightening, and disturbing. I do appreciate the intent of the initiatives presented but feel that the scope should be broadened to include parents and the church.

Also ……..

I believe we are ignoring/missing a vital component in the battle against STDs.

Initially the slogan was "safe sex".

We discovered that didn’t work.

Now it is "safer sex".

And we’re still fining it does not work ….. due to ‘safe-sex fatigue’.

I am not that naïve to suggest that promiscuity will suddenly disappear with my input but I do think we need to consider another option, that of abstinence and life affirming choices.

Because sefe sex/safer sex/unprotected sex/latex condoms/dental dams/limited sexual partners/testing/treatment/free condoms/or whatever other well meaning attempt is made/it is still Russian Roulette – one shot away from death.

We need to supply our youth/young adults more than the status quo now being promoted.

We need to impart values/empowerment/purpose/personal goals/and moral assets.

Morality isn’t a swear word; it is a compass for healthy living.

Our youth need more than free advice. They want a reason for their lives, a reason behind their choices.

As is, we’re saying, You’re going to do it, so here use these.

We need to be saying, There’s another way, a better way; you can wait, you can have no regrets; don’t put your life on hold, put sex on hold. We’ll equip you.

They’ll be up for the challenge.

Right now youth are down because we are not brave enough to challenge them with healthy life choices.

We give them whatever we think they want and they sink to that level.

Give them a challenge and they’ll rise to that level.

That is why I can safely promote OptionS Pregnancy Center Resources and Lifestyle Coaching Inc. They have a wide range of programs and resources, building positive self-esteem and the moral assets for improving the lives of young people.

I would hope and appreciate the inclusion of OptionS in your upcoming discussion groups.

If we are really serious about dealing with STDs we must consider the life options that OptionS Pregnancy Center presents.

If not, we’ll continue to ‘window dress’

Contact them 757-1371 – and check them out.


Albert Kienle


Blogger SocietyVs said...

I have to say I agree with the conclusions being reached about abstinence (it's the only sure way to avoid any STD or getting preganant). It's a tough choice for many but I was fairly successful with it as a young person.

8:37 AM  
Blogger Franklin Ledgerwood said...

I agree with you. I am a high school student, and handing out condoms and the "safe sex" slogan is almost like saying "It is alright to have sex as a teenager, just be safe". I think another big promblem with teenagers and sex is television. Television starts making sex apparent at an early age. It is almost making sex the "cool" thing to do. Just watch five minutes of MTV.

Great Post by the way!

3:30 PM  
Blogger LJCBlog said...



1:28 PM  

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